Reserve Sailors serve as a critical part of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command missions by providing a ready and able surge force in the event of a crisis, and a stable source to augment existing staff for major exercises and special events.

Reserve Sailor readiness is a shared responsibility between the individual Sailor, Reserve Unit Commanding Officer, a COMUSNAVCENT Department Head, Reserve Program Director, and Navy Reserve Center Commanding Officer. These departments must work with supporting units to determine mission requirements and priorities and to identify and match manpower resources with availability.

NAVCENT Reserve Program Director


DSN:  318-439-4223

Commercial: 011-973-1785-4223


RPD: LCDR Gabriel Henao-Gutierrez (Prospective Gain)

Deputy RPD:  Mr. Romeo Tagulao -

Assistant RPD:  PSC Meghan M. Costello -

RPD Distro: