French ship Forbin assists in maritime rescue

By U.S. Naval Forces Central Command Public Affairs | February 15, 2017


The French Marine Nationale anti-air frigate FS Forbin, assigned to Commander Task Force (CTF) 50, assisted in the rescue of mariners from a sinking dhow Feb. 13.


Having received word of a dhow taking on water, the Forbin directed their helicopter, an NH90 which had been airborne, to find and investigate the dhow while the Forbin altered course to head to the scene 40 nautical miles away. The helicopter found the dhow was severely listing and taking on water. Returning to the ship to configure for rescue and bring aboard their rescue swimmer, the helicopter quickly returned to the dhow.


Onboard the dhow was 12 personnel in need of immediate evacuation.


The aircrew winched the rescue swimmer down to the ship and rescued the mariners, transferring them to a nearby merchant vessel who also responded to the distress call. It was only a matter of minutes after the last person was rescued that the dhow capsized and sank.


“We were happy to be able to assist fellow mariners in distress,” said Capt. Chistophe Cluzel, commanding officer of Forbin. “It is a long and proud tradition that we were privileged to perform.”


Forbin was assigned as part of CTF 50, a Royal Navy-led task force under the command of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command. Forbin returned to French national tasking Feb. 14.